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What We


In collaboration with the expertise of Gladys Brangman of BLOC. (Business Leaders Of Colors) we have and continue to help offer classes and workshops in financial education, LLC and small business development. 

Career & Resource Center

Black Hands Universal is a BIPOC led grassroots organization that was formed in response to the racial injustice within the Ithaca community. Black Hands Universal’s purpose is to create opportunities for those who are disenfranchised by the system by providing them with job placement and training, financial literacy, mental health resources, health and wellness, food services, community gardens, as well as cultural and educational resources for children and adults.

Family Daycare Program

In all that we do one of our prime objectives which is the purpose for the funding is to help establish a family daycare that would help benefit low income families. Our community is considered a daycare desert and has the lowest amount of child care in the city. As we have worked closely with these families we found ourselves in the same dilemma repeatedly. The mothers we find employment for are held back by the incredible lack of daycare here in the city. Specifically intense on the low income areas of the city. We have created a program that will help in a way that is truly impactful in so many different aspects.


Here we created upward mobility for those in our neighborhoods by offering them GED classes to improve their lives and those of their children through education. Also working closely with TC3 through our developing Pre Apprenticeship program we can have the resources necessary for the educational upward mobility of our lower-income youth and adult educational pursuits,

COMMUNITY STUDIO/Youth Music Program

Participants are situated to see themselves as scholars engaged in research about the history of hip hop while the design of the program consists of participants learning the methodology of research and collecting data. How to structure and complete research notes, document events and see the parallels between the past and how it affects the present.  Participants will create music based on the timeline. Also, participants will make music that is an instrument of the times. While learning how to engineer music, write, and format music.

Community Garden

Generating an action plan around food security and sustainability in our black and brown communities. Providing Basic Garden Education, Access to local organic produce, and Youth Employment Opportunities! Empowering our community members to take action towards sustainable  living and encouraging families to share their knowledge and traditions of growing food. Opening doors to the hidden local talents found right here in our marginalized communities around agriculture and entrepreneurship. 

Super Saturdays

Black Hands shows movies every 3rd Saturday. Showcasing Super Hero movies and snacks for kids and families with students from 1st-5th grade in a initiative to help youth become interested in reading.

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